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Home of the Cougars

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 Cougar Creed

Be RESPECTFUL to all people and the school.

Be RESPONSIBLE for yourself & others.

Be HERE mentally & physically.

Be APPROPRIATE in language, behavior, & dress.


Vision Statement

“Black Canyon High School will become a premier alternative school that fosters a safe, respectful, compassionate environment and promotes an individualized and rigorous education for all students. Black Canyon High School will ensure that all students develop the academic, social, and emotional skills to become independent and interdependent adults." 

Mission Statement 

Emmett School District will prepare all students for individual success.
Foster feelings of confidence and self-worth, creating a welcoming environment where students can grow socially, emotionally, and academically.
Provide diversified instruction to meet various learning styles of individual students.
Develop a close collaborative relationship between family, school, and community.
 A decision-making process that is a collaborative effort.
Endeavor to celebrate the success of all students.